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The Bible GPS - 10 Week Discipleship
Course Available on Teachable iOS APP
Excerpt of the Book
Week 1: The Bible, Its Uniqueness, Overview & Literature
The Uniqueness of the Bible (19:39)
The Overview of the Bible (31:37)
The Types of Literature (12:23)
For those who want to know more: 4 Podcasts about the reliability of Scripture (12:04)
Week 2: The Bible GPS Method
The Bible GPS-Method (34:41)
Week 3: The Narratives
The Narratives: Their proper use (12:00)
The GPS-Method applied to Ruth 2:1-13 (13:36)
Week 4: The Law
The Law: Covenant Stipulations for Israel (19:07)
The GPS-Method applied to Leviticus 19:9-14 (10:05)
Week 5: Wisdom
Wisdom: Then and now (21:27)
The GPS-Method applied to Job 3:1-26 (13:03)
Week 6: The Psalms
The Psalms: Israel's Prayers and Ours (29:33)
The GPS-Method applied to Psalm 32 (16:07)
Week 7: The Prophets
The Prophets: Enforcing the Covenant in Israel (19:01)
The Bible GPS applied to Isaiah 60:1-7 (15:12)
Week 8: The Gospels
The Gospels: One Story, Many Viewpoints (28:04)
The Bible GPS applied to Luke 15:11-32 (15:00)
Week 9: The Epistles
Epistles: Learn to Think Contextually (20:48)
The Bible GPS applied to Philippians 4:4-9 (17:20)
Week 10: Revelation
Revelation: Images of Judgment and Hope (29:53)
The Bible GPS applied to Revelation !3:1-10 (25:18)
Daily Devotion based on the principles of this course
It Takes More Than A Mask
Excerpt of the Book
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